Tuesday 6 December 2011


My lap top is working again! My partner set it up with a monitor, keyboard and mouse and made it into a desk top computer. I also have my own office space now; we converted the spare bedroom into an office for me and now I can come here and write anytime. I am now up to 50,000 words and hope to write another forty.

My research has continued and I am always picking up pieces of inspiration from all over from famous scientists who have strongly believed in mediums and fortune tellers to more trickery from ghost hunters. My diary is ram packed with notes which I jot down on the bus to and from work. It is really coming together and I hope it will be finished before the summer.

I have been gathering ideas for future books which I will begin to write once I have finished this current one; I have been looking up ways to find a literary agent and ideas for future work is a must as they need to know that you are not a one trick pony. I have also looked into the alternative of self publishing online for e-readers; a friend of mine has some amazing success with that with large sales of books and a best seller now; although I have no expectations of meeting that, it would be amazing to achieve a quarter of what he has. If just one other person reads my work and enjoys it, it will be worth it. It will be amazing to say I have done it and achieved something.

So now I am back up and running I can now write again after that brief period without access to a computer. I am also getting an Ipad for Christmas so I can write on the go!

Thank you to my consistant followers and I look forward to giving you an update soon!

 As a thank you please see a sneak passage below; as always this is just a draft and no where near finished so if there is poor grammar or awful mistakes it can be ignored.

Jackie walked towards the centre stage as the spotlight followed her. She looked around the room at her disciples and smiled as she took in how many followers she had these days. She took a breath, closed her eyes, exhaled and begun.
‘’Is there a Rachel? Raquel? Robin?’’, a girl at the back stood up and announced that she was Robin. Robin was a slim girl with dark hair; her eyeliner was thick and made her look almost gothic, which was also suggested by her dark coloured dress-scene.
‘’Robin, my dear’’ Jackie began her reading. ‘’Your mother is here, she’s telling me her name is Layla’’ Robin nodded her head excitedly. ‘’My mother died some years ago, she had AIDs’’
‘’She wasn’t the only one affected by it was she my love?’’ Robin looked down to hide her teary eyes, ‘’No it was passed onto my sister, I was the lucky one’’
‘’And she’s passed onto now hasn’t she?’’ The audience awaited Robin’s answer, who was standing there confused.
‘’No, in fact Susan is here tonight with me’’ Susan stood up, also looking confused. The audience mumbled and Jackie cleared her clogged throat. It was looking to be one of those evenings where the opening monologue was not going down well and could damage the rest of the show and deter the followers who were there this evening.
‘’Passed on in life my love, not into death. You were angry, weren’t you Susan, before that your mother had passed on this horrible illness onto you, but now you’ve accepted it and moved on. You have passed through the anger and onto acceptance’’ Jackie looked up at the audience to await their response, who in turn were awaiting Susan’s. Jackie’s answer, it seemed, was suitable as she nodded and smiled. ‘’I have passed through’’ she nodded, smiled and wiped a tear.
‘’And your father, Glen’’ the sister’s looked up in surprise that she had managed to get their father’s as well as their mother’s name correct. ‘’Is he here too?’’ they excitedly asked.
Jackie laughed at their excitement ‘’He is indeed, he says he and your mother are together and well and happy; he loves you both very much and said Susan keep up with your positive thinking’’ The two girls embraced and sat down. The audience clapped as Jackie bowed and moved towards the centre stage for her second reading.

‘’I have someone called Jason here tonight who is poking me refusely to get hold of his family here tonight’’ Michael sat up straight and stared out towards the medium. He didn’t glare look at Louise who’se eyes he could feel glaring at him at this time. ‘’No one with a Jason?’’
Michael wondered whether to stand up but did not want to get lost in the fraudulent show. As impressed as he was with the last reading having got the names correct, he wasn’t sure how well his reading would play out and did not want to get lost into false hope.
‘’He’s got dark hair and he’s very handsome’’ a man in the front row shot up. ‘’Is it Jason Langdale?’’ Jackie placed her index finger on her chin as if she was deep in thought. After a moment she raised the finger as if to make a point, smiled and replied ‘’I believe it is!’’
‘’He was my boyfriend’’ the gentleman replied. He was a flamboyant character in his twenties with a yellow vest and tight trousers. He looked as if he was to go out on Canal Street straight after the show and dance in the bars along the gay strip.
‘’He was young wasn’t he?’’ the gentleman nodded.  ‘’At least it was quick towards the end. He didn’t suffer. He say’s he left you something in the house, in his side of the bed. I believe you have a cabinet do you not?’’ The gentleman thought about it and then got excited remembering he did. ‘’I bet you’ve not even looked in there since he died have you?’’
‘’It’s too painful’’  The man grabbed at his chest to simulate emotional pain.
Jackie walked off the stage and into the front row of the audience. She grabbed the gentleman’s hand and asked him to stand up. She embraced him for over a minute as he wept. She pulled away from him and gripped onto his hand and looked him directly in the eye.
‘’I know it’s tough. It’s so tough. But he’s urging me and kicking me, telling me to tell you to go into that bedside table. He has something he wants you to either see or keep. He won’t tell me what it is; it might be personal. But he wants you to go there, will you do that?’’ the gentleman nodded.
‘’Let’s just hope it isn’t something rude eh?’’ The audience giggled and so did the gentleman. They embraced again and sat down and Jackie returned to the stage.

With each reading Michael tried to hard to distinguish how Jackie had managed to get such information, especially names of parents; it surely could not all be guess work? He tried really hard to remain impartial but could not help but be impressed with Jackie’s work. He wouldn’t say he believed it, but was impressed with her ability to undermine these followers and know all this information without them feeding much back to them, despite how low this could be.
Throughout the hour and a half show, Michael and Louise had witnessed over twenty people breaking into tears, with one woman even having to leave the room with distress. He was wondering how much good any of this really was. Although some of the audience did seem to benefit from it and somehow managed to move on, but how many came back for more messages and became addicted to their readings was something else to be investigated. It is one thing to find peace of mind but to become obsessed with those who can provide you the connection could equally be as dangerous as the grief a loss causes.

Saturday 12 November 2011

How Sally Morgan's Scrutiny is a Writer's Gain

I was watching Derren Brown's The Secret of Luck last night in which he exposed Sally Morgan as a fraud after the show invited her to visit a statue of a dog which was supposedly giving a town luck; little did she know that it was a skeptic Derren Brown's statue and he had planted the rumor amongst the town. Morgan went onto say the dog was definitely lucky, even giving a history of the dog's owners in life.

Sally's career has been under much scrutiny recently, however as a writer for a novel about a medium, it is all facinating reading. The tircks these mediums use and the stories of exposure allow you to see into the secrets of how mediums gain the confidence of an audience and manage to fool them.Opportunitism appears to be a big tactic for mediums, they see an opportunity to exploit as 'power' and take it. Opportunity was very much the focus of Derren Brown's show last night, which Morgan took but unfortunatly for her exposed as a fraud.

The novel 'The Medium' is coming along nicely and as mentioned in an earlier blog I have completed a lot of research into stories of exposure of various famous mediums, spiritulality books and psychology books. While many people would just laugh and switch the channel or turn the page of a newspaper, I'm taking note of every move and forming the novel which I hope to finish in the coming months!

I'm up to 37,000 words on the medium now. My mornings to work are imagining I was the characters in the book, how my friends and family would act if I was Jackie (the medium) or how I would feel being Michael (the victim). What situations I would face and how that can be put down on paper to become an interesting work of fiction.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Stephen Fry's Planet Word

Stephen Fry once again has brought out a spectacular documentary, this time focusing on language. He focused this week on the beauty of language and how it can be transformed into art. With focuses on creative geniuses (such as Shakespeare) creating words and phrases which have transformed the English language into what it is today, which shows what a real impact literature can do for society.

A wonderful point Stephen made about language is that there are really no rules within literature. If you have the passion to put it down on paper and someone else enjoys it, then that is art, and in many case the more fresh and unique, the better.

As a writer this is refreshing to hear, especially to hear it from one of my favorite author's (Fry). Sometimes, as a writer, you wonder whether publishers will take on board your work because it doesn't fit in with the rules or the criteria of other books that we are so used to seeing on our shelves. I think the most important part with any art form is to believe in your work yourself and to most of all enjoy what you do. If you enjoy it then it doesn't matter if you sell a million copies, and if you do, it is surely a bonus.

Thursday 20 October 2011


A question, as an author, I regularly receive is who are my influences? Whose work do I enjoy. It is surprising the variety of work I do enjoy. As a child my favourite authors were the likes of Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton, however I strangely also liked the works of people like Catherine Cookson; that influence has been from my mum who is an avid fan. 

Within my teen years, I loved JK Rowling, Stephen King and Thomas Harris. These days I have turned towards more crime thrillers and mysteries; authors such as Kerry Wilkinson (who happens to be a friend of mine), Ian Rankin and Lynwood Barclay. I am also very fond of a good comical and topical book such as Ben Elton’s collection whose work always manages to capture the hysteria of the time (i.e. Big Brother/XFactor) and naturally I also enjoy Christopher Brooymyre who is a similar writer. I sadly also like the mushy lovey dovey books such as PS I Love You, but hey, it is fantastic work.

What do I look for in a book? I like something which is different. I like it to make me laugh, even when it is a scary thriller or a sad book. Humour is important to me. I love it to be groundbreaking and new and to take me places I have never been before.

But my influences go far beyond literature. Comedians such as Ricky Gervais and Whoopi Goldberg have large influences on all my art whether it is comedy or writing. Whoopi Goldberg very kindly sent me a signed photo of herself recently which meant a lot. The singer Michael Jackson who I have loved and admired my entire life is also a massive influence on everything I do. Michael Jackson became the forefront of my dissertation, which has since been passed on to his family. 

Will I see these influences in my work? Possibly. Possibly not. I try to keep it original, but I do spot where I’ve grabbed ideas and twist them to make them my own. I always quote other people’s work if I’m using them…. University has taught me well not to plagiarise! I also enjoy referencing my heroes too, as I like to show my passion for their work and have others share with it. To be able to have that common adoration for a particular artist no matter of which art form it has taken.

Monday 17 October 2011

Video Diary

No I'm not begging people to leave Britney alone... I'm merely marketing my book! Enjoy a sneak preview of the book read aloud by Yours Truly! x

Sunday 16 October 2011


It is amazing where inspiration and creations come from... JK Rowling was inspired by the Hogwarts Express when she was on a train, but who knows where the rest of her magical genius comes from. How I would love to get into her mind and see where the rest of the wizard world comes from.

It does not have to necessarily be about literature either; I am a huge fan of Michael Jackson and currently reading You Are Not Alone by his brother Jermaine which provides a personal look at Michael Jackson off stage. One thing that fascinated me was seeing all the childhood inspirations that helped build Neverland; from a train set Michael wanted as a child to an analogy Jermaine once quoted to his little brother, it all has its place in Neverland.

So where has my own inspirations come from?

If you've been following my tweets and blogs, you will understand that my new book is about a medium helping someone who's wife is missing. My inspiration has so far come from the famous mediums such as Sally Morgan and Colin Fry, stories in the newspaper defrauding mediums as well as books by Mary O'Reilly. Of course events within my own life have gone in there too! Are not all authors' work slightly autobiographical?

But occasionally things from my own life or an event will appear and inspire me more than any of the above. I was on an underground tour of Manchester last night learning about the history of the city beneath me. It was fascinating; from the transportation of goods through the canals in the 1800s, to the use of bunkers during the world wars, there was so much to learn and there is so much more to explore. What was interesting, however, was how scared people were wondering around in the pitch black with only the dim torches to guide their way. People were especially freaked out when the tour guide told an anecdote of the time she came down here with a medium who was ghost hunting.

My time there inspired me to write a chapter of the book; obviously it will be very different, otherwise I'll have a bunch of people claiming rights on my work, but I have to admit I am more than inspired. It was interesting to see people's reactions while walking through just a dark, damp tunnel, especially with the idea that there could potentially be a spirit in there.

Inspiration is a wonderful thing and more people should share their inspirational secrets because often where an idea came from can be just as interesting as the work they have produced.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


My last post touched on writing about what you know, but of course you can't know about everything your going to write about. The last few weeks I have been conducting research on all manner of things within the book the most interesting has been reading up about mediums, psychics and tarot reading.

I have learned a whole host of things about trickery of mediums, how they've done things and even exposures of some of the country's top mediums. It has been fascinating and some of these have landed in the book. The background to Tarot, its history and the real meanings behind the cards have also been intriguing, whether your a believer or not, the history and interpretation of it are fascinating.

One thing I haven't studied is police work, and as an unknown author this has been pretty difficult. I know many people who work in police may cringe at my shoddy knowledge when they read it, but then again, I know a couple of policemen who hate books or shows that are too real as they have to do it everyday. My knowledge of police work will be mainly from television cop shows and crime thriller books; maybe one day when I'm rich enough to conduct interviews with the police force to get a real sense of how investigations go. However when too much reality comes into fiction, it can get in the way of the story and stops the writer being able to create.

Anyway, here's a little more of a glimpse of the book, hope you enjoy!

‘’This is the last message before the intermission’’. Suzanne sighed with relief as she couldn’t wait to get home and back to her husband, who would have mocked her for turning up here tonight. He had little belief in the afterline and his beliefs lied with science alone. He might have even been angry with her had he known she had come to see Jackie, he would have thought she was dragging out the past. Although the likelihood is he wouldn’t have said anything; they said very little to each other these days; since the tragedy they effectively lived separate lives, he didn’t even ask where she had gone tonight.

‘’Where is Suzanne?’’, Suzanne looked up but didn’t say anything, she knew the cold calling tricks and didn’t buy into Jackie’s attempts for one moment. ‘’Suzanne Walk? Walker?’’. Suzanne stared on in shock but still made no attempt to move, how popular is the name Walker? How would she know she was here?

‘’Is Suzanne not here? Its just, I have a little boy here, Jason. He’s smiling up at me, asking for his mummy’’. Suzanne looked on in shock, but felt glued to her seat; were her ears deceiving her? ‘’Jason’s saying he hurt his head when he was knocked off his bike’’. Jackie began to impersonate Jason’s injured behaviour when Suzanne erected from her seat slowly but didn’t say a word. The audience gasped and stared at Suzanne who was still unable to speak.  Suzanne slowly lifted her hand but continued to be silent.

‘’Suzanne, so wonderful of you to join us here tonight. Its not been an easy couple of years for you has it?’’ Suzanne looked down and wiped away the tears, shaking her head. ‘’Your little boy is so happy and at peace. He has lots of little friends. He just wishes you and daddy would stop being so sad. And he also said to stop visiting the place where he passed on, put the flowers somewhere prettier’’. Jackie was right, Suzanne had frequently visited the site where her son, Jason, had died.She cried, feeling terrible for the doubt she had felt over Jackie’s show.. ‘’I’ll leave your son’s love and memories with you, my love. Now for an intermission! I’ll be back in 45 minutes!’’

The lights came on and the audience left the room and waited around reception and some fled to the bar. Suzanne decided it was time to go home though. She had her message, and just in time it seemed. ? It was as if Jason knew she would be leaving at half time.  She felt some guilt for doubting Jackie’s powers; she certainly didn’t need anymore convincing now. How would she know all that? It was in the newspapers of course, but that was two years ago and how would Jackie know she was there tonight?

Suzanne said goodbye to her companion and left the hotel; her companion had offered her a lift home but Suzanne thought it was best she had some time to think and clear her head, besides she only lived a few minutes walk away. Suzanne walked towards Oxford Road, it was a crisp, chilly night in Manchester and it was obvious that winter was on its way. She passed the hundreds of black cabs which were taking the many students that filled Manchester’s three universities back to their student flats.

She walked past the Sainsbury’s Covenience store and considered going in and getting a bottle of wine to take home but realized that her husband would not approve. She considered her other option of where she could sleep tonight but thought that might not be so conceivable even if her husband never bothered to ask where she would be. She decided to leave the wine and return home.

She took a left off Oxford Road and walked down several stone steps towards the canal. She felt a spring in her step, knowing that she had made contact with her little Jason and felt so relieved that he was ok. She felt at peace. She enjoyed walking by the canal, it was so calm and peaceful, at least that was when the Canadian geese where not chasing her and pecking at her legs. She could look on and find peace with the world despite how much the loss of her son ached her.

Suzanne walked under a bridge, a route within her walk she frequently hated due to lack of light at this time of evening, but it beat paying for a taxi in Manchester. At this point in the walk she was wondering whether she should have accepted the lift she had been offered but knew once she had got passed it she would feel stupid to have been scared, like she did everytime she came home this way. Half way through the bridge it was so dark she couldn’t see her hands in front of her face, it was like the earth had its’ very own little black hole here in Manchester, although it was the death of her son that had sucked the life out of her, not some entry to another universe.

Suddenly she heard a noise and turned around. She could hear footsteps but could see no one.

‘‘Hello?’’ Suzanne shouted through the tunnel. Her voice echoed around her. There was no reply and the sound of footsteps had stopped. She shook her head in embarressment, it was obviously dripping water which was messing with her mind. Its just fear she told herself.

She began to walk on, the light from the exit of the bridge was allowing her to begin to outlines of her surroundings and she felt comfortable once again. The moment of relief did not last long however as she could hear the patter of feet again. She stopped and turned around and could see an outline of a figure.


The figure stopped and just looked back at her. Suzanne glared at the figure but didn’t know what else to do.

‘’Screw you then’’

.She stepped up the pace but could hear the footsteps behind her speeding up. She exited the bridge and she turned around to see who it was and was immediately presently surprised when she recognized the figure behind her. She smiled.

‘’Oh Hi! Sorry I didn’t realize it was you. Thank you for…’’ . Those were the last words Suzanne ever said. She didn’t even scream. The knock to the head was far too quick for her to react. Cold on the ground, Suzanne laid dead. The dark figure looked around and saw the streets surrounding them were empty; only Suzanne would know who her killer was.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Write about WHAT you know... not WHO you know.

I learned a harsh lesson some time ago after I wrote a novel and published it online on another blog. I had chosen to write a fictional story based on an event in my own life after hearing quotes from my idols about writing about what you know. Unfortunately I took this too far and decided to include characters who were very much real and hadn't even bothered to change the names. Some of those people became quite upset at the descriptions I had put, while others were upset that they didn't get a mention.

I also had to constantly remind my family who were reading it that it was  fictional; because they knew the very basis of the story was true, they assumed every anacdote within the book was also true and began to question what had happened within my own life.

I also found by including characters that I knew, I always had to be careful to include or not include certain traits and had to be delicate with the character, which made the novel uninteresting and safe. You have to be discriminative with art and nothing should get in the way, and this can only be done by creating completely fictional characters.

I had to do a lot of apologizing and eventually took the book down. I've since decided to re-write the book again in the future with completely new characters, destinations and storylines which are far from what I began with or anyone I've ever met. I then began to write a book about a subject I knew very little about... that didn't do too well either. You need a foundation of understanding, otherwise it just doesn't work.

So that is my advice to you my fellow writer enthusiasts. Write about what you know, but not about who you know; this way your stories will be full of depth and far from offending those you love.

Friday 30 September 2011

The Medium...

...is really coming along, is it vain to get excited about your own work? It sounds cringe worthy to say but sometimes I look what I've written and can't believe it was me that created it. It is exactly the type of novel I would be reading had I been in the shops. I suppose it isn't too terrible to be a little bit big headed, anyone in a creative field is surely a tad vain or actually is impressed with their work, otherwise they wouldn't have the nerve to put in the public eye would they?

It is developing fast, I'm writing frequently on the bus, on my breaks at work and even in the bathroom (although the bathroom is where the ideas are developed in my head and not on paper). What is more is that I can see it developing into a television series, like a Sunday evening ITV2 drama. I began writing a screen play for it, but I wasn't very impressed in my screen writing; it would have to be left up to the professionals. But without a doubt, I can see it on screen and for television, and no doubt the American market could pick it up too!

I am potentially getting over excited but I am really enjoying writing it and this is what is most important. It doesn't matter if it doesn't become a best seller. The point it that I've enjoyed the last few weeks so much getting creative and doing something I love. One thing I miss after finishing university was doing projects, writing essays and researching; and this has allowed me to really get my teeth stuck into a project.

Well anyway... as a thank you to all my readers, I thought I would give you a sneak preview of the book; it is by no means near finished this first section, but you get a glimpse at what the book will begin with and how it might develop:

‘’Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome to the stage, Ms Jackie Wallace’’. The audience cheered and applauded as the curtains opened and foggy smoke filled the stage like a 1970s disco. A silhouette appears within the fog and out walks a short, stocky middle-aged woman, deathly white with dark purple hair. Her clothes are of a metallic blue; her fingers wrapped with gems and gold and a pagan cross dangles above her breasts.  Around the side of her face stemmed a microphone which connected to her head so that she didn’t have to carry one; no doubt this was more so that she could transform into the dead freely rather than laziness. The stage was filled with candles, crystals and skulls to make a deathly atmosphere, as this is what tonight was to be about; death.
 The audience of 50 in the conference room B of the Sleep Tight Hotel quietened down and the woman on stage waited until it was deathly silent before she began.

‘’Good evening Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you for coming here tonight. Let us transport ourselves to’’ Jackie paused and the audience waited in suspense, ‘’The Other Side’’. A thundering sound from the speakers caused the conference room to shake like an earthquake had hit the city. The lights dimmed, and only a small spotlight centered on Jackie who was staring forward, startled by a vision.  She was glimmering within the candlelight which surrounded the stage. She took a deep breath in, closed her eyes, and began the reading.

Well there's a sneak preview anyway. It needs editing of course, but you get the jist! I'll probably upload little teasers as we go along so make sure you look back for more! :)

Thursday 29 September 2011

New Project

I have begun my new book and have been working very hard over the last few weeks to begin it. The book is initially called The Medium however that could be set to change.

The Medium is about a lonely recruitment consultant, Michael, who has lost his son in a hit and run accident and since his wife has gone missing. He is finally getting his life together when he is approached by a psychic medium, Jackie, who claims to know of his wife's whereabouts. Michael who is a strong atheist and disbeliever in any afterlife is at first put off by the medium's claims but soon changes his mind when her talents become increasingly convincing. However, is Jackie all that she seems? Does she have alternative motives unbeknownst to Michael? and does she really hold the powers that she claims to hold?

I have been writing away over the last few weeks and have written out the basic plot; beginning, middle and end which is currently at 30,000 words. Now I am in the process of building the story and developing it into a book with plots, twists and scenarios which will find Michael confused as to whether he should believe this so called psychic.

I've been reading through rules regarding debut writers and apparently I should be aiming for around 70,000 words minimum, so I still have a long way to go, but on a daily basis I think about Michael and Jackie and I'm building their daily lives up and the challenges they face. They have recently become almost life like, as if they are people whom I actually know.

I'm registering to FirstWriters.com who have lots of tips on writing your first book and getting it published, they also have a list of literary agents on there, but were a long way off that yet!

In The Beginning...

... there was a blank piece of paper. Well actually, in this day of age it was actually a blank MS Word Document labeled Document1 as there had been no reason to save it as anything else as yet. The first words written were 'Untitled by David Hatton'  but it was hoped that would soon to change.

This blog aims to give a detailed account of the writing process from a new unknown author. Whether anything comes of my creations, I have no idea. But like any writer, I do not write to be famous or rich; I write because I love to write and always have. If just one person reads my work and says they enjoyed it (and meant it, not because they didn't want to hurt my feelings) then it is good enough for me. This blog will take readers on the journey through the writing process and onto finding potential buyers in a heavily competitive market. By no means will my processes be orthodox or best practice, I'm still learning myself, but this is an account of just one writer in Manchester.

So why become a writer? Well as I said earlier, I love it. I remember from when I was very little my teacher reading out my stories in class because they were the best. My English Teachers at High School impressed with how I could break down a story or a poem and notice things the academics hadn't even spotted. I write all the time and have written for my own blog, media blogs, charities and news websites. Some noteworthy ones are The Coronation Street Blog, Sophie Lancaster Appeal, One Face In A Million News and Michael Jackson I'm A Dot.

While I've dabbled in fiction, I have never focused on it, and therefore this is my first real attempt at building a story that has been in my head for years. I have also others in the pipeline and cannot wait to share these with you in the upcoming months.

It is amazing where my own personal blog took me, so it shall be very interesting to see where this one takes me. So come with me on my adventure into the literary world!