Tuesday 6 December 2011


My lap top is working again! My partner set it up with a monitor, keyboard and mouse and made it into a desk top computer. I also have my own office space now; we converted the spare bedroom into an office for me and now I can come here and write anytime. I am now up to 50,000 words and hope to write another forty.

My research has continued and I am always picking up pieces of inspiration from all over from famous scientists who have strongly believed in mediums and fortune tellers to more trickery from ghost hunters. My diary is ram packed with notes which I jot down on the bus to and from work. It is really coming together and I hope it will be finished before the summer.

I have been gathering ideas for future books which I will begin to write once I have finished this current one; I have been looking up ways to find a literary agent and ideas for future work is a must as they need to know that you are not a one trick pony. I have also looked into the alternative of self publishing online for e-readers; a friend of mine has some amazing success with that with large sales of books and a best seller now; although I have no expectations of meeting that, it would be amazing to achieve a quarter of what he has. If just one other person reads my work and enjoys it, it will be worth it. It will be amazing to say I have done it and achieved something.

So now I am back up and running I can now write again after that brief period without access to a computer. I am also getting an Ipad for Christmas so I can write on the go!

Thank you to my consistant followers and I look forward to giving you an update soon!

 As a thank you please see a sneak passage below; as always this is just a draft and no where near finished so if there is poor grammar or awful mistakes it can be ignored.

Jackie walked towards the centre stage as the spotlight followed her. She looked around the room at her disciples and smiled as she took in how many followers she had these days. She took a breath, closed her eyes, exhaled and begun.
‘’Is there a Rachel? Raquel? Robin?’’, a girl at the back stood up and announced that she was Robin. Robin was a slim girl with dark hair; her eyeliner was thick and made her look almost gothic, which was also suggested by her dark coloured dress-scene.
‘’Robin, my dear’’ Jackie began her reading. ‘’Your mother is here, she’s telling me her name is Layla’’ Robin nodded her head excitedly. ‘’My mother died some years ago, she had AIDs’’
‘’She wasn’t the only one affected by it was she my love?’’ Robin looked down to hide her teary eyes, ‘’No it was passed onto my sister, I was the lucky one’’
‘’And she’s passed onto now hasn’t she?’’ The audience awaited Robin’s answer, who was standing there confused.
‘’No, in fact Susan is here tonight with me’’ Susan stood up, also looking confused. The audience mumbled and Jackie cleared her clogged throat. It was looking to be one of those evenings where the opening monologue was not going down well and could damage the rest of the show and deter the followers who were there this evening.
‘’Passed on in life my love, not into death. You were angry, weren’t you Susan, before that your mother had passed on this horrible illness onto you, but now you’ve accepted it and moved on. You have passed through the anger and onto acceptance’’ Jackie looked up at the audience to await their response, who in turn were awaiting Susan’s. Jackie’s answer, it seemed, was suitable as she nodded and smiled. ‘’I have passed through’’ she nodded, smiled and wiped a tear.
‘’And your father, Glen’’ the sister’s looked up in surprise that she had managed to get their father’s as well as their mother’s name correct. ‘’Is he here too?’’ they excitedly asked.
Jackie laughed at their excitement ‘’He is indeed, he says he and your mother are together and well and happy; he loves you both very much and said Susan keep up with your positive thinking’’ The two girls embraced and sat down. The audience clapped as Jackie bowed and moved towards the centre stage for her second reading.

‘’I have someone called Jason here tonight who is poking me refusely to get hold of his family here tonight’’ Michael sat up straight and stared out towards the medium. He didn’t glare look at Louise who’se eyes he could feel glaring at him at this time. ‘’No one with a Jason?’’
Michael wondered whether to stand up but did not want to get lost in the fraudulent show. As impressed as he was with the last reading having got the names correct, he wasn’t sure how well his reading would play out and did not want to get lost into false hope.
‘’He’s got dark hair and he’s very handsome’’ a man in the front row shot up. ‘’Is it Jason Langdale?’’ Jackie placed her index finger on her chin as if she was deep in thought. After a moment she raised the finger as if to make a point, smiled and replied ‘’I believe it is!’’
‘’He was my boyfriend’’ the gentleman replied. He was a flamboyant character in his twenties with a yellow vest and tight trousers. He looked as if he was to go out on Canal Street straight after the show and dance in the bars along the gay strip.
‘’He was young wasn’t he?’’ the gentleman nodded.  ‘’At least it was quick towards the end. He didn’t suffer. He say’s he left you something in the house, in his side of the bed. I believe you have a cabinet do you not?’’ The gentleman thought about it and then got excited remembering he did. ‘’I bet you’ve not even looked in there since he died have you?’’
‘’It’s too painful’’  The man grabbed at his chest to simulate emotional pain.
Jackie walked off the stage and into the front row of the audience. She grabbed the gentleman’s hand and asked him to stand up. She embraced him for over a minute as he wept. She pulled away from him and gripped onto his hand and looked him directly in the eye.
‘’I know it’s tough. It’s so tough. But he’s urging me and kicking me, telling me to tell you to go into that bedside table. He has something he wants you to either see or keep. He won’t tell me what it is; it might be personal. But he wants you to go there, will you do that?’’ the gentleman nodded.
‘’Let’s just hope it isn’t something rude eh?’’ The audience giggled and so did the gentleman. They embraced again and sat down and Jackie returned to the stage.

With each reading Michael tried to hard to distinguish how Jackie had managed to get such information, especially names of parents; it surely could not all be guess work? He tried really hard to remain impartial but could not help but be impressed with Jackie’s work. He wouldn’t say he believed it, but was impressed with her ability to undermine these followers and know all this information without them feeding much back to them, despite how low this could be.
Throughout the hour and a half show, Michael and Louise had witnessed over twenty people breaking into tears, with one woman even having to leave the room with distress. He was wondering how much good any of this really was. Although some of the audience did seem to benefit from it and somehow managed to move on, but how many came back for more messages and became addicted to their readings was something else to be investigated. It is one thing to find peace of mind but to become obsessed with those who can provide you the connection could equally be as dangerous as the grief a loss causes.