Tuesday 11 October 2011


My last post touched on writing about what you know, but of course you can't know about everything your going to write about. The last few weeks I have been conducting research on all manner of things within the book the most interesting has been reading up about mediums, psychics and tarot reading.

I have learned a whole host of things about trickery of mediums, how they've done things and even exposures of some of the country's top mediums. It has been fascinating and some of these have landed in the book. The background to Tarot, its history and the real meanings behind the cards have also been intriguing, whether your a believer or not, the history and interpretation of it are fascinating.

One thing I haven't studied is police work, and as an unknown author this has been pretty difficult. I know many people who work in police may cringe at my shoddy knowledge when they read it, but then again, I know a couple of policemen who hate books or shows that are too real as they have to do it everyday. My knowledge of police work will be mainly from television cop shows and crime thriller books; maybe one day when I'm rich enough to conduct interviews with the police force to get a real sense of how investigations go. However when too much reality comes into fiction, it can get in the way of the story and stops the writer being able to create.

Anyway, here's a little more of a glimpse of the book, hope you enjoy!

‘’This is the last message before the intermission’’. Suzanne sighed with relief as she couldn’t wait to get home and back to her husband, who would have mocked her for turning up here tonight. He had little belief in the afterline and his beliefs lied with science alone. He might have even been angry with her had he known she had come to see Jackie, he would have thought she was dragging out the past. Although the likelihood is he wouldn’t have said anything; they said very little to each other these days; since the tragedy they effectively lived separate lives, he didn’t even ask where she had gone tonight.

‘’Where is Suzanne?’’, Suzanne looked up but didn’t say anything, she knew the cold calling tricks and didn’t buy into Jackie’s attempts for one moment. ‘’Suzanne Walk? Walker?’’. Suzanne stared on in shock but still made no attempt to move, how popular is the name Walker? How would she know she was here?

‘’Is Suzanne not here? Its just, I have a little boy here, Jason. He’s smiling up at me, asking for his mummy’’. Suzanne looked on in shock, but felt glued to her seat; were her ears deceiving her? ‘’Jason’s saying he hurt his head when he was knocked off his bike’’. Jackie began to impersonate Jason’s injured behaviour when Suzanne erected from her seat slowly but didn’t say a word. The audience gasped and stared at Suzanne who was still unable to speak.  Suzanne slowly lifted her hand but continued to be silent.

‘’Suzanne, so wonderful of you to join us here tonight. Its not been an easy couple of years for you has it?’’ Suzanne looked down and wiped away the tears, shaking her head. ‘’Your little boy is so happy and at peace. He has lots of little friends. He just wishes you and daddy would stop being so sad. And he also said to stop visiting the place where he passed on, put the flowers somewhere prettier’’. Jackie was right, Suzanne had frequently visited the site where her son, Jason, had died.She cried, feeling terrible for the doubt she had felt over Jackie’s show.. ‘’I’ll leave your son’s love and memories with you, my love. Now for an intermission! I’ll be back in 45 minutes!’’

The lights came on and the audience left the room and waited around reception and some fled to the bar. Suzanne decided it was time to go home though. She had her message, and just in time it seemed. ? It was as if Jason knew she would be leaving at half time.  She felt some guilt for doubting Jackie’s powers; she certainly didn’t need anymore convincing now. How would she know all that? It was in the newspapers of course, but that was two years ago and how would Jackie know she was there tonight?

Suzanne said goodbye to her companion and left the hotel; her companion had offered her a lift home but Suzanne thought it was best she had some time to think and clear her head, besides she only lived a few minutes walk away. Suzanne walked towards Oxford Road, it was a crisp, chilly night in Manchester and it was obvious that winter was on its way. She passed the hundreds of black cabs which were taking the many students that filled Manchester’s three universities back to their student flats.

She walked past the Sainsbury’s Covenience store and considered going in and getting a bottle of wine to take home but realized that her husband would not approve. She considered her other option of where she could sleep tonight but thought that might not be so conceivable even if her husband never bothered to ask where she would be. She decided to leave the wine and return home.

She took a left off Oxford Road and walked down several stone steps towards the canal. She felt a spring in her step, knowing that she had made contact with her little Jason and felt so relieved that he was ok. She felt at peace. She enjoyed walking by the canal, it was so calm and peaceful, at least that was when the Canadian geese where not chasing her and pecking at her legs. She could look on and find peace with the world despite how much the loss of her son ached her.

Suzanne walked under a bridge, a route within her walk she frequently hated due to lack of light at this time of evening, but it beat paying for a taxi in Manchester. At this point in the walk she was wondering whether she should have accepted the lift she had been offered but knew once she had got passed it she would feel stupid to have been scared, like she did everytime she came home this way. Half way through the bridge it was so dark she couldn’t see her hands in front of her face, it was like the earth had its’ very own little black hole here in Manchester, although it was the death of her son that had sucked the life out of her, not some entry to another universe.

Suddenly she heard a noise and turned around. She could hear footsteps but could see no one.

‘‘Hello?’’ Suzanne shouted through the tunnel. Her voice echoed around her. There was no reply and the sound of footsteps had stopped. She shook her head in embarressment, it was obviously dripping water which was messing with her mind. Its just fear she told herself.

She began to walk on, the light from the exit of the bridge was allowing her to begin to outlines of her surroundings and she felt comfortable once again. The moment of relief did not last long however as she could hear the patter of feet again. She stopped and turned around and could see an outline of a figure.


The figure stopped and just looked back at her. Suzanne glared at the figure but didn’t know what else to do.

‘’Screw you then’’

.She stepped up the pace but could hear the footsteps behind her speeding up. She exited the bridge and she turned around to see who it was and was immediately presently surprised when she recognized the figure behind her. She smiled.

‘’Oh Hi! Sorry I didn’t realize it was you. Thank you for…’’ . Those were the last words Suzanne ever said. She didn’t even scream. The knock to the head was far too quick for her to react. Cold on the ground, Suzanne laid dead. The dark figure looked around and saw the streets surrounding them were empty; only Suzanne would know who her killer was.

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